Helmrinderknecht Berlin
In the world of Studio Makkink & Bey many products are designed from a narrative point of view. For the Helmrinderknecht galery the studio designed a soft village of blankets, made of goat wool, which are hanging over tree-like wooden structures. Mohair woolen blankets hanging on a clothesline give shape to the space and divide it. Individually woven patterns and lines become a house’s exterior walls or reflect the imagery of the surrounding landscape. The washing line is draped in between simple wooden posts. Although these posts function as a laundry rack within the space, within the fictive landscape they become trees. Like houses, woolen blankets offer human beings protection and shelter. Taking care of warmth and security, they are roofs over our heads and tuck us comfortably in.
Each blanket shows a line drawing of a timber-frame house, found throughout Europe. Their wooden beams seem to partition the façades into smaller sections. On the blankets these beams are the creases to fold the blankets into soft houses. The woolen blankets were produced at the Textielmuseum’s workshop, Textilelab, in Tilburg, The Netherlands. Each of the blankets, available in five different patterns, is two sided and woven with two different colors. Each woolen blanket is unique and exclusively available at contemporary design gallery HELMRINDERKNECHT.