Commissioned by the Province of Utrecht, i.c.w. LaMi, CBKU and Henk den Hartog.
Upscaling without expansion, the well-being of cows and the versatile farmer are all integrated in the design of an innovative dairy farm. The organic dairy farm of Henk and Wilma den Hartog Abcoude, is shaped by double use and stacking spatial features in a cost-effective building plan.
The shape of the energy neutral farm is based on the roof of average farms, but it remains unfinished and open for the free grazing dairy cows. Originally a forest animal, the cow can find shelter underneath the partially canopied pasture. At the same time, this canopy is the modular home and work complex that accommodates all the activities of a modern farmer. In the course of time, recreational and educational tasks were added to the farming profession. This is why the hovering farmhouse is a roof, dairy farm, office, education space, temporary lodging and home in one. Studio Makkink & Bey started to experiment with upscaling. This soon led to a number of proposals which weren't introverted and inward, like the current freestalls, but have an outward view. The result: a Free-range Shelter with the possibility to expand to a Free-range Farm. Read more here.